Enable local Siri searches using Cydia tweak

IMG_4540Apple has put a lot of effort in its Siri product feature. It makes new iPhones more desirable phones to have.

However, few things don’t work as expected if you live outside United States.

First of all, few languages are supported. The iOS 6 brings some new ones, but you may still be out of luck depending on your place of residence.

Second, you can run search for places only within Unites States. If you are outside the country, saying a command like “Where is the nearest McDonald’s” will trigger Siri to tell you that it doesn’t support it.

But things can really change when you jailbreak your device. As we mentioned earlier, AssistantExtensions tweak can improve Siri by introducing new commands to it. A plugin for AssistantExtensions, called International Locations, does what its name stands for – it enables your Siri to search international locations for places of interest. After installation, you can use Siri to its full power:

You can now say “Where is the nearest restaurant” or “Where is the nearest hospital”, or even “My head hurts”, and Siri will politely show you a list of places in a table. Clicking an item will show you how to navigate to the place, using the app of your choice (native Apple Maps, or Google Maps, etc. – you can select one in the settings).


What places your search using Siri the most? Let us know in comments Smile

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